Game companies usually face three difficulties: How to attract new players How to retain the current players How to generate enough revenue For game companies with free games, the third one is very challenging because the revenue is generated mainly from players’ in-game purchases, so developers must constantly develop new features and new gears hoping that players will purchase them. Recently, TinyCo, a mobile game company with several free games, started a new way hoping […]
HP’s new tablet ElitePad 900 is ready for pre-order now with price starting from $649 (32GB), higher than both Google Nexus 10 and Apple iPad. I was very interested in HP ElitePad, but now I am disappointed with the price. With this price, I don’t see any promising future of HP’s tablet market share.
It has not been two weeks since Microsoft’s release of Windows 8 Surface, it has already been “adopted” in some CBS shows, such as Hawaii Five O and NCIS: Los Angeles.
One year after HP left the tablet market by discontinuing their first tablet product TouchPad, HP decided to come back to the competitive tablet market with their new product called HP ElitePad which will be available in January 2013. The new 10.1” ElitePad will be running the Dual core Intel Atom processor 1.8 GHz with Windows 8 Pro OS instead of HP’s own webOS which TouchPad was using. It weights under 1.5lbs and is as […]
Here is what it looks like after my NOOK Tablet was rooted: 1. Logon screen with PIN Enabled 2. Home screen after logon From the home screen you can see that I can still access my NOOK library by installing B&N Nook for Android app, and also I can install so many more free apps that NOOK app store does not have. For example, you want to check your email in your NOOK? Sorry, you […]
Microsoft recently released a preview of its new email service called, and all current email users of,, and can choose to upgrade to the new by one click. I really like the new UI and all the new features added, and highly recommend you to upgrade. To learn more, check here
First of all, if you are looking for buying a USB drive, then stay away from Kingston’s DataTraveler 109 model. Don’t be fooled by its compact, simple, and light-weight design as I was. As you can see from the picture below of this model, it really looks like a good drive and will not take much space on your key chain. However, the problem is that the USB drive is made of two plastic pieces […]
In case you don’t know, the upcoming Windows 8 will have a new logo: Honestly, I am very disappointed with the design of the new logo because it is too simple and too clean, and it looks like a flag of a country: if you replace blue with white, and white with dark blue, it becomes the flag of Finland. I hope it will be changed when Windows 8 is released. For more information about […]
I am working on a project allows user to upload files to server and download uploaded files from server. It is simple and straight-forward: the file is save in file system, and the file path is saved in database. When user requests to download a file, the file path is returned from the database and user is prompted with the save file dialog to save the file. Everything has been working well, then suddenly one […]
I am a big fan of CSI: Miami show from CBS and will watch the show on-line if I miss an episode. This morning when I opened their web site to see if the latest episode has been uploaded, to my surprise, I found that CSI: Miami show’s web site was messed up with The Good Wife show’s web site. Take a look the screen shot below: When I clicked Watch Now button, I was […]