
184 posts

Microsoft Bing Cashback Discontinued

If you are a Bing cashback customer, you should get hurry to get your cashback redeemed because the program will be discontinued after July 30, 2010, according to Microsoft Bing cashback team: According to the letter, Bing cashback Team is working on a new program to replace the current cashback program. I am wondering what it is.

Outlook 2010 Quick Steps Help Organize Your Email Better and Faster

I bet every Outlook user knows how to create rules in Outlook to help organize email, and Outlook 2010 extended this feature by adding a new feature called “Quick Steps” to help user organize email even better and faster. The Quick Steps feature allows user to predefine a series of actions that user would like to performs on an email. For example, if you receive a request from a customer and the request requires your […]

Getting more space for Microsoft Office Live Workspace

Good news for Microsoft Office Live Workspace users! Microsoft Office Live Workspace account will be upgraded to Windows Live SkyDrive very soon, which means it will become a part of Windows Live SkyDrive and as a result user’s space will be increased to 25GB SkyDrive from the current 5GB Workspace. The upgrade will be automatic and all your Workspace files will be moved to your SkyDrive automatically. The upgrade plan consists of two phases, during […]

Does your web host suck

There are 11 ways to tell if your web host sucks. Gerald Webber pointed out 10 ways, and Matt Mullenweg at WordPress pointed out another one. You should read them to see if it is time for you to change your web host.

Microsoft Update works but Windows Update not in Vista

I hope someone can help me get this Windows Update problem in Vista fixed: Error(s) found: Code 80072EFD. I have tried this Microsoft Help & How-to (Windows Update error 80072efd), and also tried all methods in this Microsoft Knowledge Base article, and neither helped. The interesting thing is that Microsoft Update works perfectly.   My computer is running Vista 64-bit version and is on a domain, and I am thinking maybe something wrong with the […]

Firefox 3.7 pre-release 4 still not pass Acid3 test, but getting close

As shown in my last post, Firefox 3.6.2 didn’t pass the Acid3 Test with a score 94/100, 6 points away from passing the test. Today, I downloaded Firefox 3.7 Pre-release 4 and ran the Acid3 Test again to see if the new Firefox will do better. The result showed that Firefox 3.7 Pre-release 4 did do a better job than Firefox 3.6.2, but unfortunately it still didn’t pass the test, having a score of 96/100. […]

Internet Explorer 9 Platform Preview shows big improvements

Microsoft released a platform preview for Internet Explorer 9 last week and I downloaded and installed it today, and compared some results with IE8, Firefox 3.6.2 and Google Chrome 4.1.249 and would like to share the results with you. First, the release notes of Internet Explorer 9 Platform Preview is here. This version can only be installed on Windows Vista SP2 or Windows 7, so check your system before download. Even if your system does […]

FireFox 3.6 release candidate available

FireFox 3.6 Release Candidate is available for download now. If you are using FireFox 3.6 beta version, the update is automatic. The release candidate may update itself periodically and eventually be updated to the final version of FireFox 3.6.

How to move WordPress blog and redirect traffic to a new domain

My old WordPress blog is located at and I would like to move it to the new location at, also I would like to redirect user automatically to the same post on the new site. For example, if user comes to my old site through search engine for a post like this:, I would like to redirect them to my new site as this:, here is how I did it: 1. […]