Yearly Archives: 2012

22 posts

Microsoft’s new email service

Microsoft recently released a preview of its new email service called, and all current email users of,, and can choose to upgrade to the new by one click. I really like the new UI and all the new features added, and highly recommend you to upgrade. To learn more, check here

How to Remove Windows Active Guard

Windows Active Guard is a very cunning and nasty computer virus and spyware which displays various fake security alerts and warnings after fake system scan, for example reporting some malware/spyware found in your computer, to lure the user to purchase Windows Active Guard in order to remove the detected threats. However, purchasing Windows Active Guard not only has wasted your money, but also has given the virus an opportunity to steal your sensitive financial information […]

HTML Label Tag Causes Mysterious Behavior of ASP.NET Button

Recently, because of my ignorance of the HTML label tag, I encountered a very weird problem. I have a page like this: And the problem is no matter which button I click, the “Save Student Record” button is always fired. Even I set a break point on the button clicked event handler of the button “New Search”, the break point never gets triggered. If I switch the Save Student Record button and the New Search […]

Simulate UpdateProgress when Using ASP.NET FileUpload Control

[UPDATE] For those who complain that my example is not working, it is most likely because you don’t know CSS very well. Here are things you need to check if you try to follow my example: 1. Do NOT use UpdatePanel 2. Make sure your image “src” is pointing to your loading gif file. You cannot just copy and paste my code and expect the image to show up 3. Add the following two CSS classes […]

Kingston DataTraveler 109 review thumb-down

First of all, if you are looking for buying a USB drive, then stay away from Kingston’s DataTraveler 109 model. Don’t be fooled by its compact, simple, and light-weight design as I was. As you can see from the picture below of this model, it really looks like a good drive and will not take much space on your key chain. However, the problem is that the USB drive is made of two plastic pieces […]

What is urDrive and V-Drive?

I bought a Kingston USB drive the other day and it is preloaded with some software called urDrive. I was curious about it because I never heard of it, so I did some research. After some digging, I found out that urDrive is preloaded software on select Kingston USB flash drives. It is bundled with computer scan by Norton PC Cleanup, web browser by Maxthon, kid’s games by Fooz Kids, and interestingly, a free cloud […]

AJAX request timeout error

The default value of AJAX postback is 90 seconds, so if you have a long asynchronous postback, you will get an error as this: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerTimeoutException: The server request timed out. The fix is to change the default timeout value to a larger value in your ScriptManger’s AsyncPostBackTimeout property (10 minutes as below): <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" AsyncPostBackTimeout="600"> </asp:ScriptManager>

Invalid Parameter Binding error when using Oracle ODP.NET TableAdapter

If you use Oracle ODP.NET in Visual Studio 2010 (or earlier version) to create a DataTable by using TableAdapter wizard, you may get an Invalid Parameter Binding error if there is a parameter in your query. For example, this simple select query below can cause the error: select * from Person where personId=:person_uid The cause is strange because ODP.NET cannot recognize the parameter’s DbType and thus sets the DbType of the parameter to Object, so […]

ASP.NET Forms Authentication Blocks Images and CSS Files

If you use the ASP.NET Forms Authentication in your web application that runs on IIS 7 or above with the integrated pipeline application pool, you may find that the images and the styles of your application are not displayed until you are logged in (authenticated). If you encounter this problem, here is the solution to fix it. First, let me take one step back to explain why the problem happens. If you look at your […]

New Windows 8 logo

In case you don’t know, the upcoming Windows 8 will have a new logo: Honestly, I am very disappointed with the design of the new logo because it is too simple and too clean, and it looks like a flag of a country: if you replace blue with white, and white with dark blue, it becomes the flag of Finland. I hope it will be changed when Windows 8 is released. For more information about […]