Monthly Archives: July 2011

3 posts

TrueCrypt donation

[UPDATE] The development of TrueCrypt was stopped in 2014 and is no longer maintained. If you need something similar, you can check this post for alternatives: TrueCrypt is free open-source disk encryption software for Windows, Mac, and Linux. You can use it to encrypt your files, disk partitions, and even a whole disk. It is very easy to use and the encryption and the decryption process is transparent to end user, for instance, once a […]

How to use conditional CASE statement in Oracle WHERE clause to retrieve data

Here is the table structure that I need to query: UserID Type Name Department Status Classification Enrollment_Status Where “Type” and “Department” are foreign keys of the other two tables. The query criteria are: If the user type is “Student” (type ID = 1), then only retrieve enrolled students (Enrollment_Status = ‘EN’); If the user type is not “Student” (type ID <> 1), then check Classification field and only retrieve data with Classification <> ‘R’ It […]

More free bonus from SugarSync cloud service

If you already use SugarSync, then you know that after you sign up an account (either Free or Paid account), if you finish five tasks under Getting Started tab in your account, then you will get 125 MB bonus storage. If you think 125 MB bonus is not good enough, then here is the good news. Started June 6th, SugarSync lets you earn 125 MB bonus for each task you finish, so the total bonus […]