The well-known and popular text editor Notepad++ recently joined the Je suis Charlie campaign by releasing a Notepad++ 6.7.4 Je suis Charlie edition. After you install this new edition and launch the program, a new text file will be created with the automatic typing of the following content:
Freedom of expression is like the air we breathe, we don't feel it, until people take it away from us.
For this reason, Je suis Charlie, not because I endorse everything they published, but because I cherish the right to speak out freely without risk even when it offends others.
And no, you cannot just take someone's life for whatever he/she expressed.
Hence this "Je suis Charlie" edition.
- #JeSuisCharlie
Two days after the release of the Je suis Charlie edition, the official web site of Notepad++ was hacked due to the controversial edition and a defacement message was placed on the web site accusing the support of Je suis Charlie from Notepad++, according to the author of Notepad++.
I don’t think Notepad++ did anything controversial, and as a matter of fact, I admire what Notepad++ has done and I upgraded my Notepad++ to the latest Je suis Charlie edition to support them. What do you think?