Firefox 3.6 Beta 3 released

Mozilla community released Firefox 3.6 Beta 3, which contains over 80 bug fixes from the last beta release. If you are a Firefox fan, you should give it a try.

How to run Firefox 3.6 Beta 3 in Ubuntu?

1. Download the tar package of Firefox 3.6 Beta 3

2. Unzip the tar package to a folder

3. Open the folder, find a file named “firefox”

4. Double click “firefox” to launch Firefox 3.6 Beta 3

You can also add to the top menu a custom application launcher pointing to “firefox” in Ubuntu to easily launch Firefox 3.6 Beta 3 in the future.

There are some web sites show you how to upgrade Firefox 3.5 to 3.6 beta in Ubuntu, but I don’t recommend to do that.

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