Monthly Archives: December 2007

3 posts

SHUTDOWN is in progress. Login failed for user ‘…’. Only administrators may connect at this time.

Today, one of my web sites went down and the application sent me an exception error message like “SHUTDOWN is in progress. Login failed for user ‘…’. Only administrators may connect at this time.” It worried me at first because I thought my web site was under some malicious attack caused the server to shut down. So I searched the Internet with the error message and it turned out that it had nothing to do […]

ConstraintException occurred when updating DataTable with TableAdapter

I have been using SqlDataAdapter and strong typed DataSet and DataTable in my projects in .NET 1.1 for quite some time and have not had any problems. Now, in .NET 2.0, SqlDataAdapter is replaced with TableAdapter, which is much easier than SqlDataAdapter to create a data access layer. When I played with it in one of my projects last week, I came across an exception error when updating a DataTable with TableAdapter. The error happens […]

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs when updating DataView object

I have been working on a project which involves sending out emails to our customers in the past week and came across a very interesting error with a DataView object. The application is required to send out batch emails once a day, so I created an email message queue table to store the outgoing email messages. After a message is sent, the column that stores the delivery status will be changed from 0 to1 so […]